The legacy version works perfectly fine but the saves between legacy and horizon dont share, so its not an issue with my pc and the game. When I press play the launchers freezes then the options disappear the game "launches" (black screen) then the game completely crashes after a couple of seconds of the black screen and takes me back to epic.

When I restarted the launcher it no longer says install but now says play but still has the orange background from the install button. When it finished I launched it but only the legacy version was installed, it wanted me to install horizons separately which I was sad about causes I wanted to play then and there but I started the installation however the installation froze (not the launcher) after about 5 minutes. I downloaded Epic and downloaded the game. I got the game on epic a long time ago and used to play it a lot, I had reset my pc and decided I wanted to play this game again after I had had a long break from it.